Dr. Laurie-Anne Wilson D.M.D.
15, 8 Weston Drive SW Calgary AB T3H 5P2
I understand that I have provided accurate and complete information to the best of my knowledge, and agree to update the office with any changes. I understand that providing incorrect or incomplete information can affect my dental care and results, and may be dangerous to my health. I authorize the dentist to release any information necessary to my insurance carrier and/or health providers. I understand my recommended treatment is for my ideal oral care, and that my dental plan may not cover all procedures or fees. I am aware that the dental office may not be able to pertain if and what will be covered by my dental insurance plan. I agree that I am responsible for payment for all services rendered for myself and my dependants.
Our dental team is committed to providing efficient handling of your dental care and insurance paperwork. Due to the wide variety of insurance plans and coverage options, we do not accept direct assignment of insurance plan payments on your behalf.
1. Westsprings Dental will submit your insurance claims on your behalf whenever possible, and your insurance company will reimburse you their covered amount. Electronic billing is very efficient, and there will be little or no paperwork for patients. The patient is responsible for the cost of their dental visit on the date of service, and we accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Debit or Cash.
2. It is the patient’s responsibility to be aware of the coverage details and limitations, and to inform us of any changes. Our knowledgeable staff will be happy to provide assistance and help with any questions or concerns.
3. As per the privacy act, we require your signature as consent to the collection, use, or disclosure of personal information, as is necessary for the patient’s dental care. This allows us to electronically submit your dental claims.
4. We would prefer that you pre-book any follow-up appointments prior to your departure to ensure continuity of care.
I consent to the collection, use and disclosure of my personal information, as set out above. I understand and consent to the office payment policy described.
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